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  • 5 Surefire Signs Your Child Needs Orthodontic Treatment

5 Surefire Signs Your Child Needs Orthodontic Treatment

Children are often not aware of the health problems that somewhat act as hindrances curbing those sunshine smiles. Some of these problems might not be visible to the eye unless enquired about. Hence, it is important for the doting parents to perform routine check on your tiny champs. Quite often during the toddler stage, children suffer from unforeseen orthodontic or dental problems. It can be anything from teeth and/or gum deformation , milk teeth growth problems, etc. Hence, in this case, you need to take them to a certified dental clinic in Kolkata where the doctors can diagnose and carry out proper treatment. Hence, read on the blog below to know more about the warning signs that your child needs orthodontic treatment.

Keeping the mouth open too often

Every child has their own set of habits, naughtiness and they often indulge in things that can play havoc with their dental health. The tongue should be positioned on the roof of the mouth for the teeth and jaw to grow proportionately, which in turn, helps in proper development of the face. Even if the lips are slightly apart at the rest position or the mouth is open, the tongue won’t rest on the roof- resulting in uneven growth of teeth, long narrow faces, receding chins, flat cheeks, etc.

Crooked or crowded teeth

Crowding causes the teeth to look uneven, slanted and even twisted. They may even cause the teeth to grow behind or in front of each other in an overlapping manner. This can make it extremely difficult for the little angels or princes to floss, which eventually leads to plaque build-up. It also further leads to tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath and even loss of bone around the teeth.

A prolonged habit of thumb sucking

Most of the kids tend to stop sucking thumb between the age of 2 and 4. However, some of the kids continue with this habit while the permanent teeth start growing which is probably around the age of 6. This causes the upper teeth to start sticking out and the lower teeth also start getting crowded. This can even cause speech problems like lisping.

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Unusual bite or jaw structure

If there are problems with the way the upper and lower teeth come together to form a bite, it is called malocclusion. It is a common dental problem that can easily be done away with orthodontic treatment. If ignored it can cause jaw misalignment which can have lifelong implications.

It would be advisable not to delay on orthodontic evaluation. Hence, make sure to visit the best dental clinic in Kolkata for expert guidance on oral health of your child. The experienced and expert dentists will help your kids to deal with orthodontic problems in a safe and secure manner.

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