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  • Treatment Procedure of Endodontists in Kolkata: How Dental Crowns are Added?

Treatment Procedure of Endodontists in Kolkata: How Dental Crowns are Added?

Are you experiencing tooth pain or have a damaged tooth? It is important to consult with an endodontist. When a tooth undergoes significant decay or damage, a dental crown may be needed to restore its strength and functionality. Endodontists are entrusted with the process. They can help you determine if a root canal and dental crown are necessary to preserve your oral health and restore your smile. They specialize in treating the inside of the tooth, particularly the root canal and surrounding tissues. Get an idea of how dental crowns are added, step-by-step.

Numbing the Surgical Area

Before the treatment begins, an endodontist administers local anesthesia to numb the surgical area. This helps keep the patient comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. An experienced endodontist in Kolkata carefully injects the anesthesia near the affected tooth. Some time is allowed for it to take effect before proceeding with the treatment.

Cleaning the Root Canal

Once the patient is numb, the endodontist creates an access hole in the tooth to gain access to the root canal. Using specialized instruments, the professional removes the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth. This is a crucial step, as it eliminates the source of infection. It prevents further damage to the tooth.

Shaping the Canals

After cleaning the root canal, the endodontist shapes the canals to prepare them for filling. This involves removing any remaining debris or infected tissue. It ensures that the canals are smooth and free of irregularities. Proper shaping of the canals is essential for the success of the root canal treatment. It can ensure the long-term stability of the tooth.

Filling the Canals

Once the canals are shaped, the endodontist in Kolkata fills them with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha. This rubber-like material is placed into the canals. It can seal them off and prevent reinfection. The endodontist may also use a sealer to ensure a secure and tight seal. Filling the canals effectively prevents the re-entry of bacteria into the tooth and causes further damage.

Post-Surgery Medication

After the root canal treatment, the endodontist may prescribe antibiotics or other medications. It can help control infection, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. It is important for patients to follow the prescribed medication regimen. They can maintain good oral hygiene practices to ensure a successful recovery.

Adding the Crown

After the root canal treatment, the tooth may be weakened and become more susceptible to fractures or further damage. A dental crown is added to restore its strength and functionality. The endodontist takes impressions of the treated tooth and the surrounding teeth, to create a custom-made crown. This ensures a perfect fit and natural appearance. The dental crown is then cemented onto the treated tooth permanently, restoring the functionality of the tooth and ensuring protection.

As you can see, adding dental crowns involves a thorough and meticulous process. It can help save and restore damaged teeth. Follow any post-surgery medication and care instructions provided by the top endodontics in Kolkata to promote healing and maintain the long-term health of the treated tooth.

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