Do you want to correct misaligned teeth and improve overall oral health? You can go for orthodontic treatments like aligners and braces. However, there are times when you need orthodontic assistance for problems related to your braces. Take a look at the top orthodontic treatment in Kolkata services that you need for common dental brace issues.
When there is improper oral care, direct trauma, or excessive force from chewing hard foods, brackets can get detached from your tooth. If your bracket gets loose or fully detached, your treatment can suffer and there can be discomfort. With orthodontic care, the bracket can be reattached to the tooth with dental cement. It can make the braces stay effective and align your teeth gradually, as per plan.
Braces comprise of wires that can guide and align your teeth into a proper position. However, your wires can protrude, break, or shift at times – leading to injury or irritation within the mouth. You can suffer from cuts or painful sores if a wire begins to poke your gums, lips, or cheeks. Your meals and even speeches can be affected due to this reason.
With orthodontic wire adjustment, your wire can be bent or cut properly, which can help to eliminate discomfort. At the same time, it can be made to function properly.
With the help of metal rings called bands, orthodontists can wrap your molars around and make the braces stay in place. Over a period, due to gradual wear and tear, improper bonding, or chewing pressure, your band can get lost.
If your band gets detached, the treatment process can be disrupted and there can be discomfort. With orthodontic services, lost or loose bands can be replaced with a new one, making the braces effective and stable. Thus, orthodontic assistance can also prove to be useful when a loose band needs to be substituted.
Orthodontic treatment in Kolkata with braces can sometimes cause significant discomfort, especially after adjustments or in cases of accidental damage. Patients may experience sore gums, tooth sensitivity, or jaw pain.
In emergencies, orthodontists provide pain management solutions, such as over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers. They may also recommend orthodontic wax to cover sharp edges and prevent further irritation. If pain is severe and persistent, the orthodontist may further evaluate the issue and make necessary braces adjustments.
In some cases, a tooth may shift significantly due to an issue with the braces, an impact injury, or irregular wire tension. A misaligned tooth can cause discomfort and affect overall treatment progress. Orthodontic care for these problems includes minor adjustments to the wire or brackets, to reposition the tooth correctly. These quick corrections help maintain the planned alignment process and prevent complications that may require more extensive treatment later.
Orthodontic issues related to dental braces can be painful and disruptive. However, proper treatment can ensure that your braces and other orthodontic appliances will continue to function effectively.