The recovery period after an orthodontic surgery is super crucial. Irrespective of whether you have a minor or major surgery, chances are that you have to follow a strict regime post the treatment to ensure that the affected area heals faster. In fact, the best orthodontist doctor in Kolkata will advise you for the same as well.
The orthodontist will provide you with a set of precautions that you need to follow. Read the blog below to specifically know more about the don’ts that you need to follow post the orthodontic surgical procedure.
First things first. Don’t do anything that your doctor has not asked you to do. You need to be extra careful after the surgery hence follows the instructions given by the doctor to the T.
Don’t push yourself to the limits. Now is not the time to go to the gym or go out for a fun summer marathon with your friends. This is the time for you to rest and recover so that you can avoid all the strenuous activities.
Don’t consume any kind of hot or cold drinks especially for the period of time when your mouth is numb because you don’t want to inadvertently burn your mouth. You shouldn’t compound your pain while recovering from oral surgery.
Avoid chewing hard or consuming crunchy food like chips and popcorn. Do not have any kind of hard food for 6 to 8 weeks of your orthodontic surgery. It is important for the affected area to heal otherwise your oral health can deteriorate.
Do not smoke as long as possible or for the entire day after the surgery. In fact, why not consider the idea of quitting smoking altogether so that you can improve your overall health? The smoke can have terrible effects on the treated area inside the mouth.
Stop consuming alcohol for the first 24 hours after the surgery as it can interfere with the healing process. Also, make sure that you do not drink alcohol while you’re on medication especially if you’re having antibiotics.
Thus, after your surgery at one of the best orthodontics clinic in Kolkata, make sure to follow all the precautions. This way you can heal faster and chances are that you will not contract any kind of infection as well.